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It is mandatory for foreign workers to have a valid work permit (commonly called a work permit) before they start working in Singapore. As an employer, you need to be sure your employees have the right pass and are eligible for it.


Employment Pass (EP)

Work Permit (WP)

What is it for?

An Employment Pass (EP) is for high-paid and highly educated overseas professionals in Singapore

A Work Permit (WP) is generally issued to unskilled or semi-skilled migrant workers from certain approved countries.

Minimum salary

Minimum fixed monthly salary is US$4,500

No minimum salary required


2 years. Can be renewed up to 3 years

2 years

Passes for family

Available for eligible pass holders

Not available

Quota & levy

No quota or levy for foreign professionals

Employers are subject to industry quotas and pay monthly levy for each worker.

Change job

More flexibility in changing employers

Harder to change job in Singapore

Medical Insurance


Employers must provide medical insurance

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