UAE introduces 100% foreign ownership and Value Added Tax (VAT)
The new law is aimed at boosting the UAE’s attractiveness as a target for FDI.
We will only notify the newest and revelant news to you.
The new law is aimed at boosting the UAE’s attractiveness as a target for FDI.
The Heritage Foundation has been rated Hong Kong as the “world’s freest economy” for 24 consecutive years; in addition to being the most important business center of Asia
Most of all, we are excited to announce our clients that now, we are able to support you to own an offshore company in Labuan, Malaysia.
Taxation: No business can occur with residents of the island. St. Vincent LLCs are tax exempt companies in terms of corporate tax, capital gains or withholding tax in the first 25 years from their establishment.
For many years, Hong Kong and Singapore have been competing for the crown of “Best Place of Doing Business” as both are international respected powerhouses within the Asia region and worldwide, respectively
We are pleased to bring good news that the government fee for company formation in Hong Kong is reduced to US$ 277 from US$ 561 and affected on 01 April 2019. It’s cheap and now it’s cheaper!
We are always proud of being an experienced Financial and Corporate Services provider in the international market. We provide the best and most competitive value to you as valued customers to transform your goals into a solution with a clear action plan. Our Solution, Your Success.