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Authorized Company in Mauritius

Updated time: 04 Nov, 2023, 12:15 (UTC+08:00)

In the vibrant business landscape of Mauritius, authorized companies have become a significant cornerstone. These entities, with their distinctive legal status, offer a unique blend of advantages that attract both domestic and international entrepreneurs. This article delves into the concept of authorized companies, shedding light on their meaning, the myriad benefits they offer, and the contrasting features that set them apart from Global Business License (GBL) entities, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of this pivotal aspect of Mauritius' corporate world.

See more: Start an Authorised company in Mauritius

Authorised Company Meaning in Mauritius

Mauritius has established itself as a global financial hub, attracting businesses and investors from around the world. One of the key features that make this island nation so appealing is its regulatory framework, which includes the concept of authorized companies. We'll explore the meaning and significance of authorized companies in Mauritius, understanding what they are, their legal framework and requirements, their key features and characteristics, the registration and licensing process, and examples of businesses that qualify for this unique status.

Authorized Company Meaning in Mauritius

Authorized Company Meaning in Mauritius

A. Definition of an Authorized Company

An authorized company, in the context of Mauritius, refers to a specific type of business entity that has obtained formal approval from the Financial Services Commission (FSC) to conduct its operations on the island. These companies are often used for various purposes, such as international trading, investment holding, and wealth management. Authorized companies enjoy a favorable regulatory environment that provides them with numerous benefits, including tax advantages and ease of doing business internationally.

B. Legal Framework and Requirements

Authorized companies operate under a well-defined legal framework governed by the Companies Act of Mauritius and the Financial Services Act. To be recognized as an authorized company, certain requirements must be met. These include a minimum number of resident directors, the presence of a company secretary, a registered office in Mauritius, and compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) regulations. This strict regulatory oversight ensures that authorized companies maintain a high level of transparency and integrity in their operations.

C. Key Features and Characteristics

  • Tax Benefits: Perhaps the most enticing feature of authorized companies in Mauritius is the favorable tax regime. These companies often enjoy low or zero percent corporate tax on their global earnings, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to minimize their tax liability. This is particularly advantageous for international investors and businesses seeking to optimize their tax planning.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Mauritius provides a strong framework for privacy and confidentiality. Authorized companies are not required to disclose the identity of shareholders to the public, ensuring a level of privacy that can be crucial for individuals and businesses engaged in sensitive financial activities.
  • Ease of Doing Business: Mauritius is known for its ease of doing business, and authorized companies benefit from this environment. The regulatory requirements for these entities are streamlined, allowing for a quicker and more straightforward setup compared to other jurisdictions.
  • Access to International Markets: Authorized companies are well-positioned to access international markets. With a well-developed financial sector and a network of tax treaties, Mauritius offers a gateway for businesses to expand and engage in international trade and investment.

D. Registration and Licensing Process

The registration and licensing process for an authorized company in Mauritius involves several steps. It typically starts with the selection of a unique company name, followed by the submission of necessary documents to the FSC. These documents include the company's constitution, business plan, details of shareholders and directors, and information on the source of funds. Once the FSC reviews and approves the application, the authorized company can commence its operations in Mauritius.

E. Examples of Businesses that Qualify

Authorized companies in Mauritius are versatile and cater to a wide range of businesses, including:

  • International Trading Companies: These companies often use Mauritius as a base for importing and exporting goods due to the favorable tax environment and access to international markets.
  • Investment Holding Companies: Many investors establish authorized companies in Mauritius to hold their investments, benefiting from tax advantages and asset protection.
  • Wealth Management and Family Offices: High-net-worth individuals and families utilize authorized companies for managing and preserving their wealth, often taking advantage of privacy and tax benefits.
  • Financial Services Providers: Firms engaged in financial services, such as fund management, often choose Mauritius as their base of operations for the regulatory advantages it offers.

Authorized companies in Mauritius play a pivotal role in the country's economy, serving as a magnet for international businesses and investors seeking favorable tax conditions, privacy, and a conducive environment for international trade. Their unique status, coupled with the legal framework and requirements, make them a compelling choice for a wide range of businesses, ensuring that Mauritius continues to be a thriving global financial center.

Advantages of Authorised Companies in Mauritius

Mauritius has positioned itself as a prime destination for businesses and investors, largely due to the numerous benefits offered by authorized companies. These entities, recognized by the Financial Services Commission (FSC), enjoy a distinct set of advantages that make them an attractive choice for both domestic and international entrepreneurs. These are the key advantages of authorized companies in Mauritius, with a focus on tax benefits, confidentiality, and privacy, as well as ease of doing business.

A. Tax Benefits

1. Explanation of Tax Incentives:

One of the most compelling advantages of authorized companies in Mauritius is the favorable tax regime they enjoy. These companies benefit from low or zero percent corporate tax on their global earnings. This tax advantage is often the primary reason why international investors and businesses opt for authorized company status. Furthermore, Mauritius has an extensive network of double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAAs) with several countries, making it a preferred jurisdiction for routing investments and enjoying reduced withholding taxes on dividends, interest, and royalties.

Authorized companies also do not incur capital gains tax or stamp duty on the transfer of shares, further enhancing their tax efficiency. The absence of these taxes, in combination with the low corporate tax rate, results in substantial cost savings for businesses operating in Mauritius.

2. Comparison with Regular Companies:

When compared to regular companies in Mauritius, authorized companies stand out due to their preferential tax treatment. Regular companies are subject to a standard corporate tax rate, which can significantly impact their profits. The tax benefits of authorized companies make them a more attractive choice for businesses engaged in international trade, investment, and wealth management.

B. Confidentiality and Privacy

1. How Authorized Companies Ensure Privacy:

Mauritius places a strong emphasis on privacy and confidentiality. Authorized companies are not required to disclose the identity of their shareholders to the public, providing a level of anonymity and confidentiality that is highly valued by individuals and businesses involved in sensitive financial activities. Shareholder registers are maintained with the registered agent but are not part of the public record, safeguarding the privacy of those involved.

2. Importance for International Clients:

The importance of privacy cannot be overstated, especially for international clients. Many individuals and businesses from around the world choose Mauritius as their jurisdiction of preference due to the strict confidentiality regulations in place. This added layer of privacy makes Mauritius an attractive location for international wealth management, estate planning, and investment holding. International clients often find the combination of privacy and tax benefits to be particularly compelling.

C. Ease of Doing Business

1. Streamlined Regulations and Compliance:

Mauritius is known for its business-friendly environment, and authorized companies benefit from this reputation. The regulatory requirements for authorized companies are streamlined, resulting in a quicker and more straightforward setup process compared to other jurisdictions. This ease of doing business is a key advantage, reducing administrative burden and allowing companies to focus on their core activities.

2. Access to International Markets:

Authorized companies in Mauritius are well-positioned to access international markets. The country's well-developed financial sector and network of DTAA agreements with numerous countries create a conducive environment for international trade and investment. This strategic positioning is a significant advantage, particularly for companies looking to expand their global reach.

Advantages of Authorised Companies in Mauritius

Advantages of Authorised Companies in Mauritius

Authorised companies in Mauritius offer a compelling array of advantages that have established the island nation as a hub for international business and finance. The combination of tax benefits, privacy, and confidentiality, as well as the ease of doing business, make authorized companies an attractive option for businesses and investors seeking to optimize their operations and financial strategies in a secure and advantageous environment. Mauritius continues to be an exemplary model for other jurisdictions seeking to attract international investments.

Difference between GBL and Authorised Companies in Mauritius

Mauritius has emerged as a prominent international business hub, offering various options for companies looking to establish a presence on the island. Among these options, Global Business License (GBL) companies and Authorised Companies stand out as two distinct structures. In The differences between GBL and Authorised Companies in Mauritius, covering their legal and operational distinctions, and taxation variances, and providing insights into how businesses can choose the right structure.

Difference between GBL and Authorised Companies in Mauritius

Difference between GBL and Authorised Companies in Mauritius

A. Introduction to Global Business License (GBL)

GBL companies are a specific type of business entity in Mauritius. They are regulated under the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and are designed to cater to international businesses seeking a presence in Mauritius. GBL companies enjoy certain tax benefits and are subject to different regulatory requirements than Authorised Companies.

B. Legal and Operational Distinctions

1. Regulatory Requirements:

  • GBL Companies: GBL companies have a lighter regulatory burden compared to Authorised Companies. They are not required to meet the same level of compliance, making them a more straightforward choice for certain types of businesses.
  • Authorised Companies: Authorised Companies are subject to stricter regulatory requirements, particularly concerning the identity and qualifications of directors and shareholders. They must also adhere to more rigorous anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations.

2. Permitted Activities:

  • GBL Companies: GBL companies can engage in a wide range of activities, including investment holding, trading, and consulting services, but they are restricted from conducting business in Mauritius.
  • Authorised Companies: Authorised Companies are primarily meant for conducting business within Mauritius and for activities that promote economic development on the island. They are suitable for international trading, investment holding, wealth management, and more.

C. Taxation Differences

1. Tax Regime for GBL Companies:

GBL Companies: GBL companies enjoy a tax rate of 15% on their profits, irrespective of the nature of their business activities. This rate can be further reduced through the utilization of the network of double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAAs) that Mauritius has in place with several countries.

2. Comparative Analysis with Authorised Companies:

Authorised Companies: Authorised Companies, in contrast, can benefit from a more favorable tax regime. They often pay low or zero percent corporate tax on their global earnings. This is a significant tax advantage compared to the 15% rate applicable to GBL companies. Furthermore, authorized companies are not subject to capital gains tax or stamp duty on the transfer of shares, enhancing their tax efficiency.

D. Choosing the Right Structure

1. Factors to Consider when Deciding Between GBL and Authorised Companies:

  • Business Activities: The nature of the business activities you intend to undertake in Mauritius plays a crucial role in determining the most suitable structure. If you plan to do business within Mauritius, an Authorised Company may be preferable, while GBL companies are more suitable for businesses focused on international operations.
  • Tax Planning: Tax considerations are a significant factor. Businesses looking to minimize their tax liability may prefer Authorised Companies due to their favorable tax regime. However, GBL companies may be a better fit for those looking for a straightforward tax structure with no tax treaties.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Burden: The level of regulatory compliance your business is willing to handle is essential. GBL companies have fewer regulatory requirements, making them an attractive option for businesses seeking simplicity.

2. Real-World Examples of which Businesses may Benefit from Each Structure:

  • GBL Companies: Consultancy firms, international investment holding companies, and businesses that primarily engage in activities outside of Mauritius.
  • Authorised Companies: Trading companies operating within Mauritius, wealth management firms, and businesses with a focus on economic development and investment in Mauritius.

The choice between GBL and Authorised Companies in Mauritius is a crucial decision for businesses and investors. While GBL companies offer simplicity and are well-suited for international activities, Authorised Companies provide significant tax advantages and are ideal for businesses looking to engage in activities within Mauritius. The decision should be made considering the nature of the business, tax planning, and regulatory compliance preferences. Ultimately, both structures offer unique advantages, making Mauritius an attractive destination for international business.

Authorized companies play a pivotal role in Mauritius, offering a wealth of advantages, including favorable tax treatment, privacy, and access to international markets. Businesses must carefully weigh their needs and the regulatory landscape when choosing between authorized companies and GBL structures. As Mauritius continues to evolve as a global business hub, the future prospects for authorized companies remain promising, attracting diverse businesses seeking growth and success.


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