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The benefits of a Malta private limited company : 

  • No withholding of tax generally levied on outbound dividends, interest or royalties
  • No tax on capital gains generally levied on a disposal of shares in a Malta company
  • Absence of CFC legislation, thin capitalisation or transfer-pricing rules
  • No exit or entry taxes upon a shift of domicile or residence to or from Malta
  • No wealth or capital taxes
  • Competitive fees for company formation and administration
  • Low capital requirements
  • Strong legal system based on English common law and continental civil law
  • Access to the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive and EU Interest and Royalty Directive (no withholding taxes are due on dividend, interest and royalty payments made from companies resident in other EU countries to a Malta company)
  • Internet Gaming licences available
  • Excellent Yacht Registry and VAT solutions available

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We are always proud of being an experienced Financial and Corporate Services provider in the international market. We provide the best and most competitive value to you as valued customers to transform your goals into a solution with a clear action plan. Our Solution, Your Success.