
Ar leisite One IBC siųsti jums pranešimus?

Mes jums pranešime tik apie naujausias ir linksmiausias naujienas.

Jūs skaitote lietuvių kalba vertimas pagal AI programą. Skaitykite daugiau puslapyje Atsakomybės apribojimas ir palaikykite mus, kad galėtumėte redaguoti jūsų tvirtą kalbą. Pirmenybė teikiama anglų kalba .

Editing Program Policy

Atnaujintas laikas: 12 Sep, 2020, 13:05 (UTC+08:00)

Contents policy

One IBC guarantees that all information about service contents and legal regulations written in English on our website is the most accurate. However, for convenience and connectivity to all global customers, we use the Artificial Intelligence (AI) software to translate content into 27 different languages.

During translation, the translated languages may not be 100% accurate compared to the English version. Therefore, with a diversity of customers who use One IBC website, we welcome the comments of all readers to help in improving our website to be more accurate and completed. By contributing spelling and grammar correction for content on One IBC website, as mean you have committed to One IBC to bring accurate and valuable information to millions of worldwide customers.

Who are editors

To match the information on the website and what One IBC wants to convey to customers, anyone who accesses One IBC website can comment on the website if you see any errors in vocabulary or grammar of the information in the translated language

How to edit

Everyone who visit the website can contribute to edit the content of the website in the language that the customers are strong in. There are 3 steps you can help us to improve our content:

  • Step 1: Log in to OCC website 
  • Step 2: Highlight the error content and fill the edited content in the box
  • Step 3: Click Submit

You and One IBC will receive the email confirmation for every you click the submit 

After receiving your email, One IBC will review your editing. We will send the email to notify you if we use your information, and the reward based on the quality of their contribution and engagement for customers.  


One IBC always highly evaluates the contribution of readers in helping us improve the website. Your engagement and contribution will rewarded by valued gifts or vouchers

Depending on the amount of content that the editors contribute to our website. If you receive a notification email, the reward will come along with that email, the email notification should be sent within 7 days.

Each reward will depend on the contribution for content on our website, following below:

The number of corrected words Vouchers/Gifts
300 words US$ 10
600 words US$ 20
900 words US$ 40
... ...
15,000 words US$ 500

The corrected words count can be accumulated after you complete the editing process and redeemed the reward accordingly.

The rewards can be exchanged to cash or used for any services at One IBC.

Ką apie mus sako žiniasklaida

Apie mus

Mes visada didžiuojamės būdami patyrę finansinių ir korporatyvinių paslaugų teikėjai tarptautinėje rinkoje. Mes teikiame geriausią ir konkurencingiausią vertę jums, kaip vertinamiems klientams, kad jūsų tikslai taptų sprendimu su aiškiu veiksmų planu. Mūsų sprendimas, jūsų sėkmė.