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Finding companies in Gibraltar can be done through various online resources. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Companies House Gibraltar: Companies House is the official government register of companies. You can visit the Companies House website for Gibraltar to search for information about registered companies. The website typically allows you to search by company name or registration number.
  2. Online Business Directories: Utilize online business directories that specialize in listing companies in Gibraltar. Websites like Yellow Pages or Gibraltar Business Directory might be helpful. These directories often categorize businesses by industry, making it easier to find specific types of companies.
  3. Chamber of Commerce: The Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce is another resource. You can visit their website or contact them directly to inquire about businesses in Gibraltar. Chambers of Commerce often have directories or can provide information about member businesses.
  4. Government Websites: Explore other government websites or business-related portals in Gibraltar. These platforms may provide information about registered businesses, economic activities, and industry sectors.
  5. Networking Events and Trade Shows: Attend business events, conferences, or trade shows in Gibraltar. These events are excellent opportunities to network and learn about local companies. You can often find participant lists or exhibitor directories on the event websites.
  6. Professional Services: Consult with professional services such as business consultants, law firms, or accounting firms in Gibraltar. They may have access to databases or networks that can help you identify companies in the region.
  7. Online Search Engines: Use popular search engines like Google to search for companies in Gibraltar. You can enter specific keywords, industries, or company names to find relevant information.
  8. Social Media: Check social media platforms like LinkedIn, where companies often have profiles. Searching for Gibraltar-based companies on LinkedIn may provide you with a list of businesses along with relevant information.

Remember to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy. Additionally, keep in mind that some companies may operate internationally but have a presence in Gibraltar, so it can be helpful to use a combination of the methods mentioned above for a comprehensive search.

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